Wednesday, March 03, 2004

[eCo-SPAM] federal government must act to save spotted owl

-- there are no borders in the natural world --

Dear Friend,

I write to you today with urgent news. The most-endangered bird species in Canada — the northern Spotted Owl - needs your immediate action to save it from extinction in Canada.

Act now by asking federal Environment Minister David Anderson to bring an emergency order to his cabinet colleagues to stop further destruction of spotted owl habitat and help lead to its recovery.

Spotted owl numbers in Canada have dropped to 25 breeding pairs, yet the government of British Columbia continues to allow logging in the final remnants of their habitat. The forests of southeastern B.C. are the only places in Canada where this endangered bird is found.

If the federal government does not take emergency measures as permitted under the Species at Risk Act, biologists estimate the spotted owl will become extinct in Canada within a decade.

THANK YOU for your action

-- sample letter added to comments --

Dear Minister,

I believe most Canadians know how difficult your job must be since so much emphasis in public policy and a majority of taxpayers' money goes to the task of ensuring our economies are kept burning.

I, for one, applaud your courage in the face of such a daunting and delicate task. While we have dominion of the planet and our needs come first it is with sadness that the erosion of species must be so marked in our time.

Best of luck with this 'issue'. I hope you are able to tackle the difficult challenge ahead in the tomorrow we have remaining.

-- snip

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