Saturday, May 08, 2004

regulating for Robin of the Hood

draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers, draft, developers,

-- what you tell queen ants may be a betrayal of species --

Friday, May 07, 2004

craft as high art

The fascination held in art has pushed even Prince Charles to critique the placement and tenure of architectural constructs within the concept of community and history.

How good does it look seems secondary today to how much does it cost and how much can I get out of it once it is built.

Of course there is a lot that looks good that costs quite little, usually around the tended edges of the buildings our Prince so rightly provides both an a-political and timeless perspective on.

Royalty has its merits.

Perhaps in every country of the world there should be a royalty to which the individual would strive to aspire to please.

Mervyn Pym thought craft the art of the age he described in its ascent to royal hands. And the bejeweled Faberge eggs most certainly expand the imagination at the hatching of taste in patronage.

Today, in England, the Royal Family is not the same patron of the arts that the state is. While around the world public money upholds a corporate rubber stamping of low cost 'fixtures' hanging on walls, sitting on shelves and crouching in gardens.

There is something for everyone. And everyone gets something.

And craft is now a cog in the machine that feeds an assembly line on a landscape of freedom from expression.

When did the Royal touch give way to The Midas Touch?

-- if public money had been spent in making this piece you couldn't afford to read it --

Thursday, May 06, 2004

successful interaction transcends inherent imperfections

The old adage 'what you put into it is what you get out' seems like the kind of commercial gloss you'd expect to find as the jingle for an ad selling gasoline for cars.

But dig a little deeper under the derma of this charm and you will find hidden truths that reveal a fractal equation about the role of consumption in making you who you are.

Consider the equation f=f+f(squared). In this iterative attempt to define an endless pattern, it is consumption that defines the product of succeeding generations. F is itself the product of a multiple of itself.

The limits placed on this endless pattern by quanta and the extension of quanta in the expression E=MC(squared) place survival cooperation squarely in the exhange of energy.

By extension, then, it is the interactions of cooperative effort that define the spirit of humanity in the face of having to live with consumption, and the exchange of energy on which this cooperation is based. That energy and matter are inseparable is quite apparent in the act of eating living organisms. To kill, however, goes directly against the spirit of interaction that separates us from the consumptive nature of the universe. I like to think of this as meaning that the infinite in interaction has given rise to a view of itself in human and other sentience along with a supporting ecosystem that is filled with marvelous beings which to share in the gift.

Therefore it is the triumph over consumption of and within our own species and the environment supporting all life that is the transcendent spirit over the inherent imperfections that make us seek the higher order in successful interactions.

-- don't smoke that ... it could kill someone else --

curriculum of interests

Social networking, online learning, and search engine technology may all benefit from the interrelated meta-view describing large chunks of information, however, when the aggregate of elements is put in the grinder and made into sausages, well, then you have an entirely different story.

What's missing in the meta approach moving toward an understanding of the fundamental similarities and the points on which each of the aforementioned claim interrelationship is meaning. Another way to describe this flaw is user context. The user contextualizes the elements which aggregate to form the meta definition of knowledge objects. This is not to say that the user is flawed, only that the implementation of the pivots among various forms lead to a specialization that breaks the unconcentrated infinity of the distance between relationships. In this infinity is defined as 0 where 0 means there is no distance between meaning, in effect making all elements the same thing. Only the starting point where the user enters infinity creates distance between related terms.

An example of this is in the construction of the human body and the bio-chemical/electric transfer of pain to the centre that processes the 'information'. The nerve impulse transmits a message that has no meaning where the 'keyword' was entered but that is given special meaning such as location, intensity, duration, etc. when the keyword is interpreted.

To admit that any feeling at the insertion point of the pain stimuli in any way affects locally would be to deny both the voracity of the interpreted message and stop bio-technology in its tracks.

However, this discussion is about the future of the Internet and the importance of the unconscious interpretation of the impulse where it relates to the distribution of keywords and contextual meaning along nerve pathways of the Internet body without the user's influence.

Suffice it to say that the goal is for the Internet to build itself not on the single user but on the curriculum of interests that now exist within its space.

This may, at first, seem paradoxical. If the user's influence is not to be taken into account how can a curriculum arise where there is not interest?

Your answer lies in making the user obsolete. You must not believe he is there. Your doubt will facilitate the service of the user.


developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers

in the knot of meaning
not meaning
the genome of ontology


Wednesday, May 05, 2004

to the nuclear christ in benediction or a Passion play parody

the canticle we worry for 220 Amp service
strikes at us in the crucifixion of the nuclear christ

the Roman jabs to His offence that power must be
tells the corporate Pharisee His birth had not won
an argument for the central glory supply side economy

Tom and Pat Lawson engrave His cross
before the crown is put upon His head
with arguments in transient science
finalities of sentience and memory structured skein

while followers weep for the fishes and loaves
they did not bring to the gathering
putting all their faith in His magesty
but none in their own

Odd says help no one and love not your neighbor
the Lawson truth upholds the wounding
his crown to the fold

take piece and spread concentration
that the message of Odd may never be
but regret of his governance where
the effect to man Pontius did know

but in piety the Lawsons did weep
to strike the first blow with the soldier's hand
telling none that this pain in fire
could the unravelling of ideology free

soldiers carry on knife in the sheaf
while mass destruction soldiers on
and peace keeps itself clean
wearing the crown without blood

Monday, May 03, 2004

been there, done that

-- a day of rest is when we contemplate the sacrifices that can't make for our work --

the untrained and the un-life-tested form basis for stringer theory of journalistic integrity

Do you fear the cardboard box more in death or in life?

If your answer is life then you won't have a problem paying your way into the next generation by making small sacrifices on the altar of survival.

If your answer is death then you understand the institutionalization of a class of Buddhist monks who beg as it relates to the institutionalization of the crucifixion of Christ.

-- thanks to US author William Gibson for recognizing the patterns and telling us where it might put you if you say anything. he should have been a full-time journalist who trained for the job and isn't just stringing --

all is as it should be when it is one

hot is as cold
touch is not touch
with magnetic density
mingling entanglement

this feeling expresses
waveform anxiety
pressed against boundaries
that place us within

within a span of life
experiencing for god
the right hand rule
of limited consequence
only ruined by binary fools
who dislike the container
that time stood still

a forward and backward
viewpoints for sharing
the eyes and the window
for joy get to be

-- a great thanks to British author Phillip Pullman for the concept of the 'Subtle Knife', Max Planck for Planck's Constant and Mr. Einstein for a Relativity good time --

media mediation in the quanta (fixed) reality of virtualized social networks

The social network is 'healed' by face-to-face interactions in which conditionals are expressed without media mediation.

In Zen fashion then the easiest shape of the social network is a sphere the contemplation of which should realize 'it's a small world after all'.

-- the headline made more sense and is deprecating only to the infinity of reality --

Sunday, May 02, 2004

ontology of the corporate self serves the team interest

So often when we talk of relationships and the classes within them we come to rest on definitions that take others into account but rarely touch on the self. The self is often regarded as a profile, a class if you will of employee.

Social networking has changed this bias, but it hasn't broken the chains of it in the way relationships are defined.

The ontology of the self is still immature. It resides in different forms everywhere, but it never grows beyond the confines of the interface people have to define elements of self. Social networking is tailored by how those defined elements extend the reach of the self to build teams for whatever function the kernel hierarchy attracts other selves to push as the team exploration.

From a philological standpoint the self is a polymorphic entity containing history as a launching point to new experiences.

Social networking is limited by extension. It is unable to exchange the self by attaching new definitions within limited interfaces. Experience is not carried into the future and change is limited by attaching the limits of a new interface.

This is the case for distributed accessible identities and a complete ontological definition of the self.

The morphology of the self and the low level elements that redefine the interface of self (rather than the self within the interface) is the future of social networking, online learning and species advancement in the machine of technically aided thought/interaction.

What cannot be forgotten is knowledge management ownership and access. The human in the technology must never be forgotten. Tricks of the trade must never be lost even as the bar is raised with specialization. Human validation of mastery must dominate as must face to face iterations for the purpose of advancement.

-- i grew up on television but never had the chance to validate my expertise in channel surfing --