Friday, April 16, 2004

the recentred in a pitched memory

When the magnetic fields of one capitulates to the other the memory formed is of the imbalance in the order of things.

Something had to give. The question of which -- the capitulant or the holdout -- represents harmony and which represents discord is the true play of human activity upon the backdrop of species, origin, evolution... all those fun things that spin miraculously toward heat death or the creation of infinite universes.

Where the human seed sprouts truest is in the spiritual escape from the rigor of survival to a balance of harmony. In this path the admission of true form is an acknowledgement of the imperfect inheritance of the sacrifice each human must make of another to go forward.

Our colonies, our cultures, our pitched battles for resources or ideologies we concern ourselves to make or assert as the form of our limited ability to telegraph the message to everyone that we only wish to be friends.

The centre is perpetually moved by diaspora never to be found and pinned, as wave after wave of emotive contemplation separates us from childhood, family, friends, time and location.

To suffer the heat death alone or to spawn a new universe is a task no cyberdraped evolution can influence or overcome.

It is the only certainty is the life placed in your own hands.

The only transience is the clarity held against the sanctity of all life.

-- this ice is my environment --

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

the avatar of complexity in an age of specialization

The random cameo of intellectual property patents as financial assets marks the full polarization of open source and corporate protected product developments.

The staking of identity claims are compelling evidence of the branded avatar that is the space between the screen and keyboard and the content massaged by this medium by user or users. Existing in this space we have dubbed 'cyber' is the institutionalization of the electron, the healthcare of the digital pulse, and the medieval metronome of the cycle built for and by a church of believers but used by an unabashed techno-secularized rabble of the incongruous.

Welcome to the avatar. If you try to read any of it at all you are its master and always in immersion or not a slave to understanding.

-- when I ask for your identity I do so for the purpose of security --

patterning for the reactionary dilemma

Activism is not an essential role of the mainstream media unless it is to report an incident of activism or a populist activist movement that can no longer escape notice.

An election platform by a recognized political party is an activist movement that is palatable to the mainstream media.

Environmentalists must realize that a body of evidence is simply a diverse collection of information that has no head and no tail. In other words, to the mainstream, there is no animal with which to wrestle. There is no recognition of a centrist dogma to an environmental movement as there is with a recognized discipline that has an apparent contribution to the economic well being of news readers.

It is incumbent on activists to rephrase their 'industry'. In fact, this word 'industry' is a useful tool environmentalists are missing. By extension 'industry' in context says that money is to be made and that the future is being preserved. It is the watchword of the mainstream definition of progress that persists today despite the body of evidence suggesting that industry is complicit in damaging the environment by profiting from the maintenance of dependencies and systems that have a detrimental impact.

Environment Industry.

Today the environment industry reported...

Wind and solar became industries.

Now the environment must rephrase itself without redefining its core goals. Part of this effort may require activism to become bound under recognized consortia consisting of members who propel issues by arguing over them. There is never any news in agreement.

For social justice advocates of the environment industry to be outspoken against the actions of Greenpeace on the same issue gives both members of this consortia voice.

So, along with the environment industry, remember to make your arguments with this industry's idealogical members public without taking umbrage that this has been done to you or allowing the public play of conjecture to devolve into mashing the issue out of sight.

Without money the only tool available to activism is its ability to relate to the public in a meaningful and expected way whatever the message may be.

-- today the mainstream reported the end of the world at the height of economic prosperity. party politicians were unavailable for comment, the leader of government having spent the last hour of life with family. opposition members berated the ruling party saying the environment industry had predicted an end to the world five years ago if changes were not made. the opposition stated that while it was last in power its initiatives would have saved the world but these had been cut when the first budget of the current government was released. so long... thanks for all the ... fish --

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

escalated ambiguity a reactionary dilemma

It has been my experience that anything done by government usually exists in the planning stages for at least five years before it is implemented.
That's five years of public money spent to plan around various scenarios to derive a final policy based on whatever outcry initial release elicits from the paying public.

It is a fine line that exists between service and leadership.

Many of the decisions of government are not made by the elected officials, rather it is the product of study that results in public policy usually at the department level.

Civil servants investigate or cause to be investigated various issues relating to the smooth operation of public institutions into an uncharted future based on expected and historical conditions.

Even as the libertarian ideals that have grown in the past two and a half centuries have made a good portion of this operation transparent, and that the system itself continues to work toward openness, there still exists the problem of public advocacy on issues not directly related to trade and industry. It is the failure of mainstream media to capture the lagging attention of the public on issues that are mere tributaries to the confluence of ideology asserted in action.

These early nodal points of public policy formation are more often identified within the discipline to which they may apply when implemented and are usually tagged with some sort of economic advancement for the monitoring agency. Trade publications are one manifestation of this need to monitor developments at a low level.

The mainstream press can not bring all the issues and early developments to all the people all the time. The office of the ombudsman is less likely to serve the public on public policy development than a not-for-profit consumer advocacy agency. The public is not as well funded as industry to monitor government as monies collected from the public by government aid in the motions of government and not in the mechanisms tailoring and ensuring the voracity of its platforms.

The mainstream amplifies ambiguity by treating only the symptoms of public policy implementation and not the incremental input the process of deriving public policy needs to power its maturity.

Who but a politician has the time to ask the flood of questions required by the system of government it must then answer with public policy?

Moral ambiguity is present in the mainstream treatment of public policy. As a general rule judgements with respect to slant rarely branch into the root causes of events, instead concentrating on impact and effect as if to affect closure by stimulating public response for regulatory order.

This is the reactionary dilemma of the mainstream.