Saturday, April 03, 2004

-~`craZy talk -- free energy -- craZy talk`~-

> I would also like to experiment with on-board electrolyzers
> for vehicles but I don't think there is much public interest
> there. For example, since I had gotten an invite to the
> DARPA/Army power sources conference this year I emailed
> the head of the U.S. Army lab about on board electrolyzers
> and asked if they had ever looked at them or might be
> interested in the concept.
> Seeing as a 30% boost in mileage would equate a 30%
> increase in range for vehicles in the field. That was 3 weeks
> ago and so far no response. That same guy answered me
> in 2 days when I wrote to him previously regarding the cost
> of attending the conference.
> MJ


People don't believe that 'free energy' crazy talk. I know, I've tried it.

But don't think that the idea of onboard eletrolosys is publicly unacceptable. You're just going to find it very difficult to engineer a system for which the size of the fuel cell and a tank in a production vehicle conveniently fills all the available space. They won't give you an inch. Better you design both the fuel cell and the electrolyser from scratch to retrofit a new system onto the mounting brackets (too bad the news designs are going to be integrated skateboards).

As always responding to the gaps in the market is the best way to approach market viability. If you can squeeze 30 per cent more out of it and extend range by onboard eletrolosys there will be people to buy it. Just don't expect the government not to feel cheated out of revenue on the fuel they are 'missing' out on.


-- the pearls of discussion are beaded on the string of wisdom --

Friday, April 02, 2004

_\~ ecoAlien ~!~ neilAoce ~/_

Imagine a world in which people are rewarded with fuel today that is less expensive than it was yesterday because it is more cost effective to make it containing more poison justified by the fact there is less supply and more need.

Imagine a world in which natural gas is legally declared a renewable resource by government so that it can appear investment in renewable energy is greater on the basis that doing so will stimulate renewable energy development.

Imagine a world in which I am considered free to make energy choices of my own but am not allowed to get my friends together to compete with corporations who produce energy -- even when that corporation is a public utility owned by me and my tax paying friends.

You aren't dreaming. You aren't imagining. You're sleeping in the real world. Wake me up too, will you?

-- 'efficacy' is a word in the dictionary --

aPrIl FoOlS ~*energy fear mongering~* ApRiL fOoLs

April Fools on a procrastinator's schedule means it ain't for foolin'. Get it?

Click for closeup. for more...

Eclipsed by demand. hoax or not to hoax. that is the question...

Please send any blackout picture submissions you may have just kicking around. Specifically, I'd like to see something from the outages in Britain and Europe that have portable power advocates bursting forth over there.

-- over there is an over here perspective when acting globally and thinking locally --

Monday, March 29, 2004

the critic in us all

Critics search for ages for the wrong word, which, to give them credit, they eventually find.
Sir Peter Ustinov 1921-2004

famous environmentalist shot in corridor

Shoot Your Favorite Environmentalist

Ed Begley Junior

Wave to Ed...

Have a picture to share of your favorite environmentalist that you snapped yourself?

Please send your shots from the wilds along with the person's A/S/L and the interesting environmental facts that tuned you into this special person's activism in the first place.

A link or two to the major work of your captured environmentalist should accompany any submission.
