Thursday, May 06, 2004

successful interaction transcends inherent imperfections

The old adage 'what you put into it is what you get out' seems like the kind of commercial gloss you'd expect to find as the jingle for an ad selling gasoline for cars.

But dig a little deeper under the derma of this charm and you will find hidden truths that reveal a fractal equation about the role of consumption in making you who you are.

Consider the equation f=f+f(squared). In this iterative attempt to define an endless pattern, it is consumption that defines the product of succeeding generations. F is itself the product of a multiple of itself.

The limits placed on this endless pattern by quanta and the extension of quanta in the expression E=MC(squared) place survival cooperation squarely in the exhange of energy.

By extension, then, it is the interactions of cooperative effort that define the spirit of humanity in the face of having to live with consumption, and the exchange of energy on which this cooperation is based. That energy and matter are inseparable is quite apparent in the act of eating living organisms. To kill, however, goes directly against the spirit of interaction that separates us from the consumptive nature of the universe. I like to think of this as meaning that the infinite in interaction has given rise to a view of itself in human and other sentience along with a supporting ecosystem that is filled with marvelous beings which to share in the gift.

Therefore it is the triumph over consumption of and within our own species and the environment supporting all life that is the transcendent spirit over the inherent imperfections that make us seek the higher order in successful interactions.

-- don't smoke that ... it could kill someone else --

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