Sunday, February 29, 2004

never a hydrogen infrastructure

The following email was sent to the [H2OPower] list on Topica, a list to which I recently subscribed.
I have also posted the message to the [softpath] list also hosted on Topica. This article is highly recommended reading as it puts forward the means to an immediate transition to the Hydrogen economy.

Please precis the article and send your viewpoint along to local representatives, newspapers, friends, colleagues, etc. to get the word out. Forward your official contacts (esp. media and political) to the [softpath] list or to me and I will collate them for use. -- Tim


Here is a link to a paper on the H2 economy which may
stimulate some debate;

It makes some good points but is somewhat myopic in that it
only considers the issue from one "standard" viewpoint. If any part of the
paradigm could be changed the whole thing would collapse. The main parameters
that I think CAN be changed are the source of hydrogen and the
method/location of production.

   If hydrogen is produced from water then the location of the
production can be almost anywhere, such as at the point of use (or very close to
it). This eliminates the need for a whole new storage and distribution
infrastructure. So the real challenge then is going to be solely in finding more
efficient means to produce hydrogen at the point/time of use.


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