Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Song Of The Blog

Well, I've decided that blogging really is fun! But there is one huge problem with it. There is so much to read. Some people are so funny it makes my sides split. Some people are so funny they've gotten book deals. Now I can forgive them for not harping on about hydrogen in each one of their entries. I mean being a magnanimous sort of person I might even give them mention in this blog from time to time. Recently I discovered mimi smartypants who had me howling long past my self-imposed and quite flexible i-don't-have-to-do-it-if-I-don't-want-to deadline. That's what I like about editors like myself. Caring less hardly matters because you're not going to get paid anyway. A thought which paves the way to a seque about the nature of work and our observation about change.

It really comes down to who your boss is, doesn't it? Up the chain that is. Rapid adoption of anything really doesn't turn the crank of the boss who, after all, is upholding the status-quo, and who might even claim to be doing so for your own good. Having read mimi smartypants I know she still has to go to work every day to make ends meet (and to feed her steady diet of sushi and other culture-vulture consumables). She, at least, takes the train. Heck, I'm in the same boat. And I hardly want to rock it for fear that my status is going to quo all on it's own. So it must be true that we all observe change in a way that, if it has any whiff of potential to sink the boat, we ain't gonna support it.

Ummmm, does that remind you of anything? Personally, I suggest you go read mimi smartypants, then thank whatever deity you have hiding around in the bathroom that you aren't living in a world where your lungs are underdeveloped and your prognosis for a long life from the time of your birth is profoundly impacted.

Have a happy day.

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