Friday, February 20, 2004

Silicon Nervous System

A Nobel Prize is probably in the works for a group of researchers who have developed a technique to grow living nerve cells on silicon and exchange information between the organic and the inorganic. So far they've used snails and rats for their experiments, but it is hoped that some day humans will have some use for the processing power of custom chips to run prosthetic limbs or eyes. The potential uses are endless. Apparently memory would even be available for perusal. We've known about stuff like this for a long time though, haven't we? I just want to know if an implant is going to help me remember my wife's birthday and our anniversary. If the technology can't do that why bother?

Mind Control Forum - Archives

The brain on a microchip: Calgary researcher finds cells can grow on silicon

Why doesn't somebody develop a shrub that you can plant and grow inside your head that turns out some nice green leaves while it photosynthesizes and stores energy for you, it's host? Now that's symbiosis! None of this can be too far off with gene manipulation.

Of course photovoltaics are the inanimate corollary to roots and twigs. In future we might be able to plug the old laptop in to ourselves to get a jolt out of the internet, along with the satisfying feeling of being energized by mocha lathe heaped with sugar as the power trickles in from the sun. Might give sunburn a whole new meaning.

For now we will have to settle on doing things the 'old' way with an electricity infrastructure to pipe the electrons all over the place.

Powering A Generation: Transmitting Electricity

Yeah, technology is here to stay. Any of our upcoming problems are going to be solved by replacement technologies as the path of technology would dictate. And, hey, we've got an entire world just dying to become first-time adopters too. It will remain to be seen whether the word progress will come to mean that you'll get a lot of cool features you'll never use and don't need, but that you pay for and can never get rid of.

And -- ACTION...

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