Saturday, May 22, 2004

hair today gone tomorrow

* * *

When he saw himself in the street the second time Harry's head swam with a lopsided Zen and he felt swollen where his thoughts normally ticked along in time with his pumping legs.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a horn sounding snapped Harry's attention forward where momentum had pulled his eyes to the side up the road and to the left.


Harry catapulted 15 feet ahead into the street while the remains of his expensive 36-speed electric-assist bicycle crunched to a halt in a heap of twisted wreckage.

A millisecond before an envelope of oblivion dropped the overload of pain from his awareness, Harry snapped a mental picture of himself walking away while the thought, "I'll never ride again," flashed through him like an aurora gone wild.


* * *

And then there was light.

Harry awoke as if from a dream that both he and it weren't really interested in putting away. Awareness came almost as a disappointment where consciousness merely left him throbbing without his knowing whether it was the brighness of the light that caused it or something gnawing at his toes.

It just felt wrong, as though everything had been 'rewired' to place confusion above suspicion and normalcy on probation.


* * *

For more about Harry... you'll have to wait.

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