Tuesday, March 16, 2004

murk my wurds

OK. This Chinese thing is really bugging me.

I hate to be self-referential, but I recently posted some hazy welcome to China into the fold of industrialized polluters with little regard for how truculent my words must have sounded.

I'm sorry. I should have mentioned that China should be applauded for its announcement after winning the open bid to host the Olympics in Beijing that Tiananmen Square has been officially declared a counter-revolutionary plot and that the nation was entirely within its mandate to protect its citizenry against such an outrage of student rebellion.

But, you know... for some people that isn't just water under the bridge like it is for me.


Mainland China. Wow. What a concept. I just want to take a moment to lay out the foundation upon which the next round of market wars should be played out.

From a humanist's perspective then it is my belief that legislators in 'democratic' nations seeking to slow the perceptible impact of Chinese labor and production costs for quite worthy high quality products should now consider drafting tariffs designed to slow Chinese economic growth on three key areas: environment (the company's from democratic nations who flood markets with disposable products made in China should help pay for the cleanup of garbage); human rights auditing (wages and working conditions are important facts contributing to stability -- do we want blood on our hands if the bottom suddenly falls out and the machine is turned to war); ...

Awww fiddlesticks.. who am I kidding? It should be the Chinese themselves that levy new tariffs on these and similar issues. Slowing growth and making money to run the government are good things. And what better way is there to make money than to focus on the well being of worthwhile people who just want to live and have fun watching their child grow up?

-- nobody said it was going to be easy for me to be right --

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