Friday, March 26, 2004

Flight of the Exxon Valdez

# Funny thing is Exxon is now blamed for 5% of the world's
# total carbon emmissions... AND this just came in as well:

When the US team started recording atmospheric carbon dioxide in the late 1950s, levels were around 315 ppm and have risen ever since.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projects that, if unchecked, carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere will have risen to between 650 and 970 ppm by 2100. As a result, global temperatures would warm by nearly 6ýC compared with 1990 levels, the IPCC predicts.

NOW... With all of that information ...
Can you spare a minute or two today
for the following -------------------------------,

Dear Cyberactivists, To learn why to take action now go to:

Today, March 24, is the 15th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and we're calling on ExxonMobil to spend their time and energy cleaning up Prince William Sound, instead of spending it squelching freedom of speech. In 1989, the Exxon Valdez spilled over 11 million gallons of oil, and we've seen the remaining impacts of the spill that the people of Prince William Sound are still facing everyday.

ExxonMobil has refused to pay the damage claims ordered by a federal court, and has managed to keep the case in court almost continuously since the disaster.

At the same time, ExxonMobil is suing Greenpeace in an attempt to silence us from exposing Exxon's corrupt environmental policies. The case stems from a peaceful protest that occurred at ExxonMobil's headquarters last May when activists, some dressed in colorful tiger costumes, declared the headquarters a "global warming crime scene." The activists were protesting ExxonMobil's continued denial of the science behind global warming and ExxonMobil's blatant efforts to undermine the Kyoto Protocol and other solutions to the problem.

To tell ExxonMobil to spend their time and money cleaning up the Valdez spill, not fighting Greenpeace, visit:

Thanks for your help.

Jessica Coven
Climate & Energy Campaign

# Have a pleasant day...
# Yours,
# The Management

# -- gReP tHe EnViRoNmEnT --

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