Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Gas Mileage of 1997 Oldsmobile Aurora

It's a crazy thing when you purchase a vehicle without thinking about your principles. This is the car I just bought and hope to soon ditch in favor of a more modest, less consumptive vehicle.

For now, though, I am going to enjoy the evil pleasures of driving in high-style.

Gas Mileage of 1997 Oldsmobile Aurora

-- tim

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

wander spirit

You have a mind to murder
with bee-sting bedtricks
and thinking in threes.

Husband arrived at Second
in wedding night bliss
given to King Arthur,
the first ever kissed.

Anxious poison brewed
from waters pure and true
vilify the bones
his Mother gave to you.

A horse is led and flanked
by the Masquerade of snakes.
And only one is chosen
when initiation takes.

The secret rites of spiders
and of basement thrust and grind.
Pushes the sleeping turtle over
revealing his sore behind.

under you under you

unlived the burning soul
while he watches
requited in laundry
while he sleeps
steeped in soiled dishes
while he lumbers
fitful in sleep
while he rubs
walking on eggshells
while he breathes

-- tim

can't come back

Damn this moving rage that got me.
It tears me down again.
It makes my stomach crunch.
And makes my head do spins.

Are you gone for real?
Is there nothing left?
Why do you want to hurt me?
Are we doing all we can?

Together we're tossed out on the wind.
Hit by rolling thunder.
Can't wing on down to earth.
Is it any wonder?
Can't wing down to earth.
Is it any wonder?
kojack razor knack
shaved wonder head
wanna brew hysteria
wanna buy the bled

stick glory somewhere else
like some serrated edge
drowning in the liquor
the wrong side of the badge

snake an endless line
back to primordial mud
these short feelings
common in our blood

black or white eternity
living life estranged
sawing limbs, nipping buds
wild seeds deranged

-- tim

Strong Enough

Strong Enough By Sheryl Crow

God I feel like hell tonight
Tears of rage I can not fight
I'd be the last to help you understand
Are you strong enough to be my man?

Nothings true and nothings right
So let me be alone tonight
Because you can't change the way I am
Are you strong enough to be my man?

Lie to me....I promise I'll believe
Lie to me but please don't leave

I have a face that I can't show
I make the rules up as I go
Try to love me if you can
Are you strong enough to be my man?

When I've shown you that I just don't care
When I'm throwing punches in the air
When I'm broken down and I can't stand
Are you man enough to be my man?

Lie to me...I promise I'll believe
Lie to me but please don't leave.

behind the scenes

the exhortation of lust may an exhibition be
that a stiffness in the wind raises a poor actor
whose waning banter invites the critic to bait a hook
leaving it bare and razor sharp for his hunger
whilst the ocean of her stage swells under storm

-- tim



The burn.
The hurt.
The cut and thrust.

Do what you do,
say what you say,
to put up with this spree.


War crime baby?
Crime lord maybe.
No neighborhood is safe.

No trigger lock
behind their eyes.
The world has gone insane.

You're put on the edge
of sharp steel rules,
cocked and loaded guns.


They'll chalk a circle
'round you now
not wanting friends to run
expecting to give out benefits
to join in suffering's fun.

The only ones who can escape
defect and decide how
their lives are spent in paying rent
and when to take a bow.



Put it away
Put it away
Cover up my head
Put it away
Put it away
You're making people dead

-- tim

Run, Run, Run O Fearful Organism

Run, Run, Run
O Fearful Organism

Extract what needs permissions;
submission is guaranteed.
Gang with keepers of the plank,
ranked and pedigreed.

The rise through lies embraced,
is acknowledged by The Fall.
Angels reverse True order made
when you're heedless of its call.

Human pain is self inflicted.
None can know the stakes.
Pebbles on the horizon
rupture Karma on the make.

The shell that's known gets split,
scatters shards of what's been done.
an end to times untended
protection that is gone

Eat all the worms.
Fill while you can.
Early bird at dawn:
one generation man.

-- tim



Silence is our hideout
an emotional retreat
from forces too complex
for men to hear hearts beat.

Metro-man effects it
a feminine withdrawal
from masculine attention
to hammer, saw and awl.

His diversions aren't equine
his muscle isn't main
predilections circumspect
he tries to have a brain.

-- tim

Invite to Dance

Invite to Dance

A woman gets out to play
making friend or family plans,
enriches those she greets
with worker-bee fond hands.

Its not a lot this life she leads --
not some ticket draw: win or lose.
Prick her and yes, she bleeds.
In light or dark; stars will ever choose.

Shallow mercies place her
by the cradle near the bed.
Commercials see her snacking
every day not having wed.

Tenderness caresses slight
movements of her feet.
Moon and sun suspend
emotions incomplete.

A man may never enter
where bedlam pays a call.
But daily; woman, wife or mother,
takes up singly every fall.

Joys that are jumped
are remembered as life's best.
Sorrows take to flowers
until petals themselves taste the test.

Forgetting is no virtue
nor is wailing at what's past
Courage wastes no time
trusting full sail to the mast.

-- tim

Don't -- Take It With You

Don't -- Take It With You

The Critic's call makes heavy work of the vacuuming
when with micro-management phraseology
a chocolate kiss is taken for a day wasted
and the desire for escape is hailed as insubordination.

A sponge is made of the mind that can not sort the unique
from memories weaved of common thread into culture's tapestry.
So tribes encamp along the edge beyond corporate towers and their gates
while specialization is mastered with a mop and a bucket.

Fight kills the mind, turning its pages like those in a book,
revealing secret references with vivid accuracy.
The dishes all covered in cheese are a factory delight
for supervisors who raid frustration with a whip.

Friends invite themselves to dinner with established flare
seeking retreat under cobwebbed corners and candlelight
while the fly on the wall refuses to answer questions,
but silently entreats any competition to land in the soup.

Most know the dials and knobs of the television
and fill their cups with friends who will not bruise
when they are mixed with ice and bumped together:
Like any good natured martini; stirred but not shaken.

-- tim



Empty spaces with the draft
based on misdemeanor crime.
Biological containment;
populations act like swine.

Policy might prevent it;
red line hegemony.
Gated communities are sated
with triple lock and key.

-- tim

This kitchen isn't big enough for the both of us

Sizzle sounds of something you fry
in the murky deep where you try and try
some Lazy Susan recipe

Flames first lick the night air
while hunger's rumble growls
and we wait until the temperature is right
between us

Now we are close
mincing our words
on the cutting board
of children

Failure is a food we have tasted
kneaded and risen
baked to a stillborn husk
overripe and crusted

When our kitchen closes in
and the brush does its work
the peel of acrylic on oil
can't hide what's beneath

A hot wind over grass
yields to the fence line anxiety
of what's on the other side
as somebody else's barbeque
spreads the Siren's scent

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Story:Mutant Algae Is Hydrogen Factory

Story:Mutant Algae Is Hydrogen Factory


Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Can Sony Make E-Books Succeed?


I've been interested in Ontologies for a time now and thrilled to have witnessed the maturation of XML parsing technologies into the mainstream.

Since integration is a key to bringing legacy systems together with web-based content management and business rules systems, ontologies will play a special role in defining each mature node in the evolution of content frameworks. Eventually the relationship of requisties and pre-requistes along virtual paths between related and unrelated content types will be easier to map. The roots and branches of many disciplines will become more apparent along with the weighting of each branch before a node in terms of its overall contribution to its twigs. To carry the natural analogy of the tree, then, grafting will be possible, with the above mentioned features where relationships not formerly apparent will become apparent.

Meaning in the metaphysical sense may become easier to define but may not necessarily be yielded to a greater degree as the mapping of a discipline is not necessarily the means to understanding it nor of contributing to it. Necessarily the framework holding this meaning together will teach underlying relationships, but it will not impart more than an entrenchment of meaning in systems in much the same way a traffic signal imparts meaning in the logical flow of traffic. Everyone who participates understands and because the light is obeyed its meaning is the influence by which the pattern changes whether its meaning is understood. The difference between the ontological approach to organizing content and the traffic light scenario is that ontological approaches integrate the relationship as part of their structure and therefore influence the understanding of meaning toward a metaphysical understanding of meaning. Still, and to reiterate, this does not mean that the meaning of thing is apparent, just that metaphysical meaning is brought closer to more people, and as a result will have a greater number of adherents -- no necessarily people who obey the traffic signs. Instead these are people attuned to meaning but not necessarily its proponents or those who contribute.

This is the master's lesson. If in seeking meaning it takes rules to get there then some may not pass. However, in learning the rules any flaw in the system may make a master of those who understand enough of the rules to obey them, but with the ability to break them without getting caught. The master must know this and be on guard to close the "gotchas" where the system of requistes leading to mastery can lead to harm generated to the discipline and the function it serves.

Without requisites the paths through the content of interrelated disciplines can not be navigated in a way that builds understanding.

In the game of meaning in the metaphysical sense this may eventually lead to breakaway disciplines of meaning that are themselves outside the system in order that they may not only learn to police interrelationships, but to trim and fertilize the ones that do and seek to exist.


-- tim

Saturday, February 25, 2006

One-Tonne Challenge

Hi OmniBlather!

Patricia invites you to come and check out an animated tip on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the One-Tonne Challenge:

A star is born.
When buying a new appliance, choose an ENERGY STAR® qualified one.

It's time Canada gets serious about energy

Despite the hype about the US not entering Kyoto there appear to be significant barriers to adapting Canadian environmental consciousness into meaningful action at home; the US market dominates.

Entreprenuers with products and ideas that solve energy conservation problems or offer clean energy alternatives are finding it tough to get the support they need to leverage change.

Re: [Renewable_Energy_Ontario] Re: Ethanol is suddenly all the rage in D.C. and Detroit

Please join the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association

Canada is actually doing very well with regard to ethanol distribution.

Add to your station 1,100 others across Canada that already offer ethanol. That beats the US hands down right now. They only have 600 stations out of  ~180,000 across the country.

Canada and the US are in parity with respect to ethanol production and its future importance. Right now the US is on track to increase its annual production by 12 B litres anually, while Canada expects to increase by 7 B litres. This represents a huge leap forward.

The Feds in Canada have undergone a couple of rounds of ethanol expansion funding through Natural Resources Canada and new plants making use of corn are already underway. Because of the work of Iogen Corporation of Ottawa you'll see that Bush's 5 year timeline is actually the time it will take to commercialize the technology and roll out the infrastructure to take care of switchgrass along with wheat and barley straw where they are abundantly available.

After reviewing Iogen's technology the United States elected to invest its considerable R&D clout in a European consortium that had similar products in development. This is probably a political decision to alert Europe with respect to the North American-led charge into ethanol as the fuel of choice for the automotive industry.

When you think about how an industrialized economy works you get the idea that to devalue the one product on top of which all others rest and on which governments make or break their budgets because of the lucrative tax haul that mobility fuel tax represents then, to me, it seems natural that nothing can change at the pumps without some form of fiscal instability. This is what government and industry have acted upon.

Efficient solar, then, becomes a disruptive technology, especially in light of little or no regulatory injunction against the production of hydrogen at the local level. That is to say, utilizing the solar/hydrogen cycle to producing hydrogen through electrolisys can't happen if the economy is to remain stable. Governments and industry view efficient and inexpensive solar as a disruptive force that could destroy cash flow. Imagine a fuel without a tax associated with it. Who will pay for roads? How will the GMs of the world be able to saturate the automotive market -- making profit on the number of vehicles sold into the market -- if people can't afford to pay for a vehicle because the lifetime cost of fuel is associated with the purchase of the vehicle?

What would happen if an automobile becomes both the producer of its fuel, its storage location and the place where energy is generated and also distributed. The car as a rechargable battery is NOT far fetched. It is feared.

My biggest secret is knowing that fuel reform technology is readily available to convert portable ethanol directly to hydrogen.

My biggest fear is that the early focus on wheat and barley straw will irreversibly bind food and fuel.

With any successful ethanol production it is necessary to have a certain percentage of biomass with a high carbohydrate (sugar) content. Iogen's reverse stomach process carried out by the genetically modified Jungle Rot enzyme requires a 60% carbohydrate content. We have arable land that produces our food out there on the prairies. China is a huge importer of our wheat.

Imagine a world in which the oil consumptiveness of a mobility dependent economy projects itself onto the framework of Canada's agricultural heritage and its current-day infrastructure.

Yield is everything. Yield is pressed on by profitability harder than it is pressed on by hungry mouths that can't afford to feed themselves. We can't forget that it takes less energy and less cost to farm 10 acres by one machine that it does to farm each of those acres in 1 acre lots by 10 machines.

This means only big business can play. Look at what kind of demand there will be. And the expense, too. Right now, projections on the cost of hydrogen to propel a car at an equivalent distance to gasoline come in at roughly 25% higher than gasoline in a stabilized infrastructure. At-the-pump pricing is higher. I'm a little fudgy on the exactness of these figures as it has been a while since I read those documents and I can't source them at the moment. Suffice it to say that one of the caveats here is that the hydrogen is sourced from existing fossil fuel supply and not from biomass as the model favored by North American governments is. The complications of using this supply are enormous, not to mention that the carbon cycle doesn't really change. Petroleum producers would have us believe that they can manage any scenario with respect to keeping their product on the shelf and be environmentally responsible. This includes the huge task of reinjecting acid gases such as carbon dioxide into the substrate to sequester the gas, presumably forever.

Keeping in mind, despite a robust infrastructure for diesel fuel distribution in North America, that the family-owned fleet running on this more efficient engine design comprises only 3% of vehicles in this class on the road. In Europe the scene is much different. Diesel is actually more popular. But without expensive and  filters diesel is a higher cancer risk than the emissions from gasoline combustion engines.

Many pundits so far have criticized hydrogen economy enthusiasts as being far too optimistic about the supposed 50% penetration of hydrogen powered vehicles by 2027. My view is that the use of ethanol without moving directly to reform is the prolongation of an oil scenario well past this US and Canadian endorsed 2027 time frame.

Considering that corn based ethanol is presumed to working on an energy in to energy out ratio of 1:1.2 and switchgrass could be expected to perform at 1:6 and that these figures are based on internal combustion engine use, then a more efficient vehicle that uses ethanol to hydrogen reform should realize roughly a 1:2.4 ratio using corn and a 1:12 ratio using switchgrass as the feedstock. Sure, the numbers are simplified, but once the connection to reform is more generally recognized you'll probably see more accurate studies based on real-world designs.

-- tim

Dan wrote:
--- In Renewable_Energy_Ontario@yahoogroups.ca, Tim Pozza
<tim.pozza@s...> wrote:
> http://www.grist.org/news/muck/2006/02/24/griscom-little/index.html?

We have an ethol gas station in Northern Ontario.  It has been there
for over 20 years.  It was built for a farming community as a COOP
station and store It's a clean burning fuel however residents have had
compliants that it is hard on the vehicles' motors unless they are
built to burn ethanol gas.  GMC has trucks that are built to be
ethanol friendly which is specified in the vehicles' manual.

Here in Ontario, since the Liberal party have taken over the
government, the big push is on Nuclear energy.  They even have paid
advertisement on the radio and television about nuclear energy and its
so called positive sides.  This, in my opinion scares me.  It seems
like our politicians are being pushed by mining lobbists and that they
have all forgetten about the history of nuclear plants.  I for myself
remember Chernobyl.  Ontario is rich in natural resources and uranium
is one of them...you do the math.  Once again it seems the government
is pushing issues related to the mighty dollar.

Why can't Canada focus on the future like Sweden's annoucement this
week that they want to become fossil fuel and nuclear independent?  I
am wondering how this would effect Canada's economy?  Anyhow that is a
whole new type of discussion.

Ethanol is suddenly all the rage in D.C. and Detroit


MC Hammer Blog - The Maturation of Hip Hop

I worked at McDonalds back in the day. As an aspiring burger-flipper I had a taste for one of the swing shift supervisors. Her name was Lisa. And we went out. I goofed it up in front of her on stage with a musical comic one night singing a Lionel Ritchie song, the name of which now escapes me. And I tried to get us in to see RunDMC during a packed concert where the people there were spilling out the door and onto the street. We couldn't get into the press of people. Way too thick to get in. But I remember the air of excitement and the music throbbing and pounding.

12 years later in 1993 I took a friend to see Ice Cube so that we could cover the event for a college newspaper. I ended up losing a car that night to a blown head gasket I couldn't afford to repair, but my friend Jeff and I did get a ride into Toronto with the tow truck driver, who we smuggled into the show with our press passes. It was a wild ride of circumstance and cameraderie that lasts in my mind today.

I have more stories about Hip Hop and Rap concerts than I do about the classical music, jazz and classic rock that I have always listened to.

Somehow, though, I know how important Hip Hop and Rap are. I am a fringe dweller in this world, but I know its impact is in my house, on my radio and on my T.V. My kids light up around it like moths to the flame when the hear a beat or pick up a lyric with the joy only children can as they prance around singing movie songs with the words "I like big butts and I can not lie..."

So on it goes. The music is in my blood and it swirls all around us. Maybe its out of control. Maybe it is out of control because it embodies the life in each person it touches. I can't imagine how it could reach out and harm someone.

I met a Reggae artist named Errol Blackwood years ago and he told me that a person who makes music knows what the music serves; a musician knows if his music is good.

I admit to having listened to Metal that tended to eclipse the sun with a large serving of darkness. And I guess I should probably admit to being square as well.

Its hard to hold an opinion that doesn't start to sound derogatory. The Hammer seems like he can stand up and speak. He has a voice here. I wish him the best in his journey.

Maybe one day our children will meet.

OpenPolitics.ca : limits to growth

Sometimes growth just isn't enough. Sometimes its what you don't do that makes all the difference. Watching isn't everything, though. Imagine all the people who wait for things to happen that have no stories to tell? How do you justify the unconsumable human being? How is the human being satisfied and resolved against the competitive demands the human being places on the resources of the planet; demands that are born out of the desire to win, to eat, to simply have a place to sleep?

Blogger Buzz

Blogger Buzz

Yahoo! 360° - My Page

Yahoo! 360° - My Page

The self reference is an anti-economic "Hello World" first step into the world of exchange suggesting the mind is not ready for consumption.